; Script to create a localized VideoText by patching strings
; 28-Oct-96 by Adriano De Minicis
; The original VideoText is left intact. A new patched copy is created
; in RAM: with name "VideoTextEng". If you like it, drag into the
; drawer where VideoText is.
requestchoice >env:vtinst "VideoText localization" "An english-localized copy of VideoText will be*ncreated (named VideoTextEng). The original*ngerman VideoText program is not affected.*n*nSelect with the next requester the directory*nwhere VideoText resides. If you haven't*ninstalled VideoText, you have to install it*nfirst, then execute this patch.*n*nAre you sure you want to create VideoTextEng?" "Yes" "No"
if $vtinst eq "1"
requestfile >env:vtdrw "RAM:" TITLE "Select the drawer where VideoText resides" DRAWERSONLY